woman with face in hand while holding ring

Tips for Navigating a High-Conflict Divorce

Divorce is almost never an easy experience. In some cases, however, it can be particularly hostile and challenging to navigate when one or both spouses have a high-conflict personality. To help you get through this difficult experience, we compiled a list of helpful tips.

Getting Through a High-Conflict Divorce

High-conflict divorces can be explosive situations involving extreme behavior and unmanaged emotions. To minimize the impact it may have on you and your family, there are some steps you can take to get through it a little more smoothly.

Here are some tips for you to consider:

  • Be careful and respectful while communicating: You have a right to set certain boundaries when dealing with your spouse during a divorce, including maintaining respectful communication. If you feel like your spouse is attempting to bully you in conversation, end it. If this is occurring through emails or texts, do not respond to them. You should only respond in cases where it may be necessary for legal proceedings. Even under these circumstances, try to keep it as brief as possible.
  • Secure legal counsel: It will be very difficult to navigate a high-conflict divorce without a lawyer, so do not neglect to consult with a knowledgeable legal professional. Having an attorney on your side will help ensure your rights are protected. You should also consider hiring a therapist.
  • Choose parallel parenting: Co-parenting is designed for parents who can interact without any blow-out fights. Most divorced parents can eventually set their differences aside for the benefit of their children. For those who have gone through a high-conflict divorce, however, parallel parenting may be the better choice since it involves as little direct contact as possible. It may not be the most ideal situation, but it will spare your kids an unbearably tense environment.

Let Our Family Law Team Assist You in Your Divorce

If you are ending your marriage, the skilled legal team at Family Law San Diego can provide the guidance and advice you need to get through it. With over 200 combined years of experience, you can rest assured you will receive the best results for your case. Our team understands the obstacles you may face during this process, which is why we are committed to offering personalized attention and tailored solutions.

Reach out to our board-certified family law specialists today at (619) 577-4900 to request a free consultation with a knowledgeable member of our team to get started.
